Mr. Ming Liao, Legal Consultant, qualified arbitrator and mediator, currently studying a LLM in dispute resolution at University of Auckland. DDI: (09) 9667488, Mobile: 86-13811559028

Ming Liao

Mr. Ming Liao is a consultant of the firm. He’s worked in the Ministry of Commerce of China for 10 years. He has special interests in advising individuals and governments in international trade disputes and resolutions, especially complicated issues involving conflict of laws, public policy and competition.

Mr. Ming Liao graduated from the Law School of Tsinghua University of China. He enjoys extensive experience in the areas of international trade. When working for the Ministry of Commerce of China, he serviced as a standing member of the In-bound Investigation Coordination Committee and a standing member of Out-bound Investigation Coordination Committee. Since practicing as a lawyer, he has provided extensive service for Chinese and foreign enterprises, and the chamber of commerce to respond to international trade investigations from the US, EU, Canada, India, Brazil, New Zealand and China. The key clients include Exxon Mobil Corporation, Corning Incorporation, Australia Sugar Industry Association, BYD group, China Minmetals Corporation, etc.

Mr. Ming Liao is a qualified arbitrator and mediator in several Asian prominent Disputes Settlement Resolution Institutes, including but not limited to Singapore International Mediator Center, Beijing International Arbitration Center, Chongqing Arbitration Commission, and has experience of over 100 cases, among which was appointed as presiding arbitrator of 24 and as sole arbitrator of 30. He is currently studying a LLM in dispute resolution at University of Auckland.


DDI:(09) 9667488

Mobile: 86-13811559028